Tuesday, April 29, 2008

eTwinning label

Today I applied for the eTwinning-label. The Quality Label is concrete recognition to teachers and schools of the high level of their eTwinning activities. For pupils, this offers a boost to their work efforts, and for the school in general, a public affirmation of their commitment to quality and openness in European collaborative work. We have to wait till the end of may before we know if we will get this label.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

2ndschool.eu Survey

Complete this survey as soon as possible by clicking the survey button on 2ndschool.eu webpage or by clicking the link you can find in an e-mail message we have sent you directly to your personal e-mail account. Thanks for your collaboration!

Click here to take survey now!

Team Reunions & Netiquette

2ndschool.eu students are experiencing some difficulties regarding the booking of some chat reunions or flashmeetings due to the availability of some groups of students. Even if you are not available for a reunion at the proposed time, please try to answer the messages telling them that you will reply later or propose another date and time. Silence is really bad when you are so far away from each other…
Just another note… Bulgarian students will be online every school day from 3.00 pm onwards. Try to contact them!

Meet Crystal!

Crystal is welcoming you everytime you log in! Kind, isn’t she?


Doodle is a new tool which allows you to schedule a reunion in a practical way, checking everyone’s availability. Check the following example:

61st Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference – Language Technology

2ndschool.eu project will be presented at the 61st Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference – Language Technology, Lexington, EUA, on 19th April 2008. :)